Permit me to ask from you to make God look good with your plea and prayer – your cry – for human dignity and Christian love.

Approximately 10,000 Palestinian children have been detained by Israeli forces since 2000,” confirms correspondent Michael Arria in his article, releasing all Palestinian child detainees in response to COVID-19 crisis, published in the 20 March 2020 edition of Mondoweiss, the news organization that covers American foreign policy in the Middle East from a Jewish perspective.

Their crimes …

Some slap a soldier in the face. Others throw stones. Many are in jail for no reason at all, other than they fit the profile, not necessarily the crime; or, their brother or sister or cousin might just have been picked up.

If the baseball pitcher in Yankee Stadium throws a stone, it is lethal. But kids?

Israeli Journalist Larry Derfner in No Country for Jewish Liberals reports that 99 percent of the time, stones thrown by kids, land on other stones, on the street or against a building. If, in the most unlikely event, a stone strikes a soldier, rest assured the soldier wears riot gear, protected with a helmet and a bulletproof vest.

Nonetheless, the reprisals are 1,000 Eyes for 1 Eye (*Page 14; Kindle Locations 91-97).

Too many are now imprisoned.

Too many are being emotionally, mentally and spiritually molested.

Too many kids are beaten, kidnapped and killed.

Our future generation should be in school, not foregoing their optimism, innocence, and youth in exploitive military jails (*Page 14; Kindle Locations 79-84).

American-born Israeli author, Yossi Klein, underpins fundamental Judeo-Christian-Islamic values in his ‘The New Israeli Is Frankenstein’s Monster’ published in the January 25, 2018 edition of Haaretz, a popular daily in Israel:

What kind of Jews are we? Have we not eyes, hands, senses, affections, passions? Do we not cry at movies? Does the pilot who bombs Gaza not have children? Doesn’t the immigration police have a heart? Does the cry of a small child not pierce their hearts? Of course, it does, and still we deport, bomb and imprison.

Judaism would not do this, but Israeli Judaism does. It’s not Jews who expel, oppress and abuse; it’s Israelis [the Party of the New Pharisees]. Judaism is not to blame, Israeli Judaism is. We are the Israelis, and this is our Judaism.

What will we tell our children and grandchildren, that it wasn’t in our name? We are partners. So long as we obey undemocratic laws that were passed democratically, we are partners (*Page 53; Kindle Locations 896-921).”

Toward the end of his Papal address to the United Nations, New York on 2 October 1979, Saint Pope John Paul II articulates his heartfelt desire:

“I wish to express the joy that we all find in children, the springtime of life, the anticipation of the future history of each of our present earthly homelands.

No country on earth, no political system can think of its own future otherwise than through the image of these new generations that will receive from their parents the manifold heritage of values, duties and aspirations of the nation to which they belong and of the whole human family.

Concern for the child, even before birth, from the first moment of conception and then throughout the years of infancy and youth, is the primary and fundamental test of the relationship of one human being to another. 

And so, what better wish can I express for every nation and the whole of mankind, and for all the children of the world than a better future in which respect for human rights will become a complete reality throughout the third millennium, which is drawing near (*Page 196; Kindle Locations 3684)”.

Who Is the Greatest? 

18 1At that time the disciples came to Jesus, asking, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?

So Jesus called a child to come and stand in front of them, 

and said, “I assure you that unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven.(Matthew 18:1-3 Good News Translation).

A child’s thirst for knowledge is unquenchable. For a child, every waking moment is a teachable moment. Perhaps now is the time to stand still and, like a child, soak up more of His Spirit directly into our own spirit. Think like a child! There’s not ever enough to learn more from God. Expand your blinders! Bow to the innocence of children! Witness! Make God look good!

God wants to free all from tyranny, especially from chains of bondage that keeps us from fully experiencing His Spiritual Kingdom, His presence.


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