by Abraham | Dec 31, 2019 | Uncategorized
Can we agree to greet our new decennium with Shalom (שלום), Salam (سلام), Peace? Every single day, each one of us chooses to be good, bad, or ugly. What we choose defines who we are. (*Page 121; Kindle Location 2379). It is surrendering toward Light versus succumbing...
by Abraham | Dec 23, 2019 | Uncategorized
“May the gentle face of the Child of Bethlehem remind everyone that we all have one Father,” says Saint Pope John Paul II on his Christmas Day Message in 2001 as encapsulated in ‘Christ is our Peace … est pax nostra.’ God knows what it takes. In order to redeem and...
by Abraham | Dec 2, 2019 | Uncategorized
There’s no other way. For openers, many Christians who support Modern Israel, who aid and abet Israeli atrocities, believe in their heart of hearts that their corroboration with the ‘wrong crowd’ — a cruel, brutal, spiteful, heartless, ruthless, callous and...
by Abraham | Dec 2, 2019 | Uncategorized
In deference to and in support of Dr. George E. Assousa’s ‘Dual Democracies Initiative (DDI),’ let’s galvanize the world to effectuate this dream. His article, Jewish Citizens in a Future Democratic Palestine?, further elaborates his brainchild. It fits hand-in-glove,...
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