America … A Continent of Hope

America … A Continent of Hope

                21 “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me” (John 17:21) Says Saint Pope John Paul II in ‘America … A Continent of...

The Abraham Accords … A Glimmer of Hope

“One name echoes in Judaism, Christianity and Islam,” says author Bruce Feiler to Krista Tippet on Feiler continues: “One man is at the heart of our Abrahamic Faiths: Abraham, Abraham, Abraham. And therein lies great tension.” Jews, Christians and Muslims...
Democracy … A Double-Edged Sword

Democracy … A Double-Edged Sword

When God banned Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, He gave each a double-edged sword and said: “Welcome to democracy.” “What’s democracy,” queried Eve. “Freedom,” answered God. “Don’t know what to make of it,” replied Adam, “that word doesn’t ring a bell …...
Evangelicals … Go with Your God Instincts!

Evangelicals … Go with Your God Instincts!

That’s my mission. Going against the current, diving into the deepest storm and keeping my head above the rolling waves while whirling in clashing swirls to gently but firmly channel American Evangelicals back into the fullness of God! So, what’s my...
We’re ONE … Whether We Want To, Like It, or Not!

We’re ONE … Whether We Want To, Like It, or Not!

It’s true. The moment we confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we’re stuck. As Christians, we’re connected and interconnected in the one Body of Christ, whether we want to or like it or not. Membership is simply a given. Eugene H. Peterson in ‘A Long Obedience in...