Starvation and malnutrition in Africa| Wikipedia


Each week we let Saint Pope John Paul II share meaningful signposts to spark socio-economic resolves through justice and righteousness combined with mercy and compassion; in short, love.

            2 You will eat the fruit of your labor;
    Blessings and prosperity will be yours

            __ Psalm 128:2 (New International Version) 


When one looks at the human family, spread over the entire earth, a startling observation of immeasurable dimensions strikes one: 

               While on the one hand, critical natural resources remain underutilized, on the other hand, there are masses of people who have no or insufficient work and endless masses suffering from hunger.


It is…clear that the problem of supplying the world with food does not lie with farmers. Farmers already produce food that would be sufficient for the entire world population, and production could even be increased. 

Yet millions of our brothers and sisters around the world go hungry. 

This complex problem needs to be solved, and you, as part of the global community, have a crucial role to play. The fact that the already available food still does not reach millions of hungry people is one of the greatest scandals of our time. Such an imbalance calls for a severe shift in the international economic system and, more significantly, global food production and distribution cooperation. 

Your actions and support are vital in bringing about this change. 

Extracted from:



To His Venerable Brothers
in the Episcopate
to the Priests to the Religious Families
to the sons and daughters of the Church
and to all Men and Women of goodwill
on Human Work
on the ninetieth anniversary of Rerum Novarum