The Walls Come Thundering Down …

The Walls Come Thundering Down …

Walls lock you in. Walls fence them out (*Page 84; Kindle Locations 1530-1531). Can you be a witness for Christ if they cannot see your voice? How do you shine your light when you’re walled up? You could try shouting from the rooftops. Who gives a hoot? Salvation is a...
Forgiving? Easier said than done!

Forgiving? Easier said than done!

You can go through the motions, even say, “I forgive you!” But do you mean it? Is it a commitment for life? Or, will it change to wherever the wind blows? Do you impose conditions – explicitly or implicitly, consciously or subconsciously – to fulfill your vow? Often,...
A Work in Progress …

A Work in Progress …

“The greatest ‘resource’ for humankind is Christ, Son of God and Son of man,” says Saint Pope John Paul II in ‘Turn to the Creator … Build a Civilization Born of Truth and Love.’ “In him we discover the features of the new man, realized in all his fullness.”   But do...