Each day, within our short lifetimes, each one of us makes the choice of being good, bad, or ugly. Our choice defines who we are (*Page 121; Kindle Location 2379). In the Hourglass, Saint Pope John Paul II says: “Time belongs to God.”

In case there is any question what our role in the world should be, it could be to leave it a better place. Can we do what is right? As a response to ‘a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye’ one could choose to give a tooth or to give an eye if needed and warranted. That is what bridge building is about. Be part of building the bridge.

Get on board to envision an extraordinary adventure with lifechanging and lifegiving possibilities (statement of www.buildingthebridge.eu, scroll down on the homepage).

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*‘Christian Zionism … Enraptured Around a Golden Calf’ (2nd Edition)



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